Thursday, April 19, 2007

Geekscape ep. 18

I would like to thank Jonathan, VJ, Gilmore and Laura for having us over on Saturday, to join them on the latest episode of Geekscape. Stevi and I had a blast and would love for you guys to check out the show. The episode is available over at GEEKSCAPE.NET or you can do a podcast search in iTunes: Geekscape.


to watch.


PalmerEldritch said...

first, bitches. nice job, ralph. fantastic beard. most impressive.

Stephanie said...

Wow. I learned so much about ralph- from this podcast. I always wanted to know what he did at Disney and how to pronounce his name.

Ralph- said...

yeah. i knew that this would be a different look at who i am. Ben and i have known each other for about 11 years, so you dont really get my origin story. I had just met jonathan (in person) about 20 minutes prior to recording. we had chatted on the phone a few times and we IMed back and forth, but we were still getting to know each other.

Stephanie said...

Very good job, ralph-.

Stephanie said...

When I visited WDW last year, the first thing I was struck by was the clean restrooms.

Stephanie said...

TMI on Jonathan.

mb said...

Watching now - nice beard indeed!

mb said...

wow - i may just have to buy "For your Height Only". My f-ing god that looks funny.

TLI girl said...
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TLI girl said...

OK, that was a little mean rant about the host Johnathan... but great stuff on the vidcast!! Nice tattoo!! Will we ever get a close-up?

Benjamin said...

Oh Kim, you know you can get a close-up any time you want. As long as it's at Comic-Con.