Monday, June 04, 2007


"The Lars": Episode 1 - Ralph and Ben return after a week off of podcasting. They take you through the new format, throw out a few swears and pump up the music big time! Join them on this long Hiatus ride. Be sure to call our Lars Line @ 206.338.4261! We're all in this together!

Flash- Queen
Strike Like Lightning- Mr. Big
Jump- The Movement
Our Man Flint- Jerry Goldsmith
No More Sea Monster- Snow Monster
Breakfast At Denny's- Combustible Edison



casey_donahue said...

cant wait to hear me some doodoo-caca

Ralph- said...

the episode will be back up within 10 minutes of this post

casey_donahue said...

I like the logo too, its badass...which i believe is what you were going for

Mike Campbell said...

WOW mr big had more then one song :)

The Dharmalars said...

Any Fan of "Navy Seals" would be familiar with the Mr. Big song Strike Like Lightning! STICK IT IN YOUR QUEUE Campbell!


Snow Monster! said...

Hey--I was pumped that you used one of our songs on the podcast, but I really got excited when I saw the other bands on the list. I finally feel like we made it now.

fonebook said...

grats to the "microcelebrety-experience" Ben :P

Mike Campbell said...

Its now in the Queue and moved to the top!

Ralph- said...

there is a great Star Wars reference in Navy Seals

Mosoner said...

I usually listen to podcasts/music while I work in the Angels parking lot and I was listening to the Dharmalars and I see this guy walking by me…I thought he looked really familiar I looked back again and it was BEN!!

Ralph- said...

you were actually listening to us at the time? that is funny.

I will keep an eye out, the next time i head to a halos game.


Shiane said...


mb said...

...'sup Lars?

Ralph- said...

According to the iTunes Store, our latest episode is called "DooDoo-C**a"!!!

The 'Lars have already been censored!

PalmerEldritch said...

ralph, that's great. you two need to rage against the iTunes machine and ride the censorship controversy to infamy.

Ralph- said...

i think i may have to start up on next episode. we may have to push the explicit tag to new heights!