Friday, January 19, 2007

Dharmalars @ The Price Is Right!

Set your DVR to record The Price is Right, January 24th on CBS and watch the Dharmalars as they get called to "Come On Down!" or not. There is pretty much zero LOST content in this edition of the "Lars", but we do get a great music segment from Seattle Jimmy as we guide you through our experience at the Fabulous Sixty Minute Showcase!!! We know that we are a LOST podcast, but hey, we are in hiatus.

Dharmalars @ The Price is Right


Scott said...

First...woo hoo.

Yay for the yodeling Cliffhanger.

Great Dharmalarish take on The Price is Right.

- SadAce

Stephanie said...

I love that guy's idea for the commentary track. Do it.

Stephanie said...

I completely enjoyed the podcast even though I don't like TPIR. Listening to ralph- describe living out his dream was so inspirational.
The water I was drinking came spewing out of my nose when jimmy said he rebought his car. Bless his heart.
I'll keep my eye out for Temptation.

Jimmy said...

I pretty much did the same when I found out, Steph :)

Mike Campbell said...
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Ralph- said...

i dont see why not, but who i dont know how we are going to sync up commercials from the wes coast and other time zones, unless someone knows if commercial lengths are the same.

i am willing to do it. i suppose you would have to save your recordings until we get that episode out.

aimee is lost said...

I think the only actual Lost content in this episode are the parts where you say there isn't much Lost content in the episode.

It was fun listening to though; I could actually feel the child-like excitement Ralph living out his dream. It was awesome to be entertained and live vicariously through Ralph.

Mike Campbell said...

I SAW RALPH. i know someone that was seen on the price is right. it is a very good day!

Stephanie said...

Shoot, I missed it because of these stupid computer classes.
I know this guy who danced on Soul Train. He said it's amazing what they can do with camera tricks.

PalmerEldritch said...

Ha! I made "That Guy" status with my Price is Right commentary idea. I am now pretty much LEGENDARY. Or just "that guy..."

Anyhow, Ralph, just have us fast forward through our commercials while we pause the PriceCast. Commercial problem solved!

Anyhow, it was fantastic to come home from work and watch "The Price is Right" on the DVR and play Where's Waldo.

That Bob Barker is one heck of a showman. And you've got to love Barker's Beauties. Ga-row!

Jimmy said...

I have to day, I was impressed with Barkers Beauties. Kind of reminds me of Benny Hills glory days :/

PalmerEldritch said...

Benny Hill never looked quite that good in short shorts.

Was there more to Benny Hill than him groping a woman, being slapped, and then the inevitable chase scene set to "Yakety Sax?"

Jimmy said...

I am being tongue in cheek, of course re Benny Hill. Just don't remember having any celeb have a load of women named afte him (Barkers Beauties, Hills Angels). I was too little to see the sexism or such...basically British TV was just smut from about 1971 to 76.

PalmerEldritch said...

Benny Hill was sort of the prototype for many of the Univision and Telemundo shows, eh?

Anyhow, I'm hoping for a Benny Hill chase scene in Lost this season.

Can't you just see Rousseau, Claire, Kate, Sun, Alex, Juliet, Rose, and the Smoke Munster chasing Desmond around the island while a Giacchino cover of "Yakety Sax" plays in the background?

Benjamin said...

PalmerEldritch, I'm picking up what you're putting down. I'm sure a savvy person can edit a clip like that, and I hope they do.

Did anyone see me? I saw me. I was standing up and pointing at someone who was called to come on down.

aimee is lost said...

Was Bob Barker annoyed when that one old lady did the lap around the audience?

Jimmy said...

Not long ago on the Daily Show, the new'ish British correspondent John Oliver said something to the effect of "What Americans don't realize is that every British person has the ability to summon a particular tune when we need to get things done in a hurry". Then he proceeded to run for a bus he was catching to the Benny Hill sax music.

Well I laughed!

Mike Campbell said...

That music is amazing. It should be played whenever someone has to do something quickly

PalmerEldritch said...


I sure did see you on The Price is Right. Even paused it to inspect your beard. Most impressive.


Bob Barker doesn't get annoyed. Bob Barker gets EVEN.

Stephanie said...

I apologize, palmereldritch. From here forth I will always refer to you as palmereldritch. But you have to visit more so I will have a reason to refer to you, palmereldritch. May I just call you palmer?

Jimmy, whenever I think about anyone, even a Brit being in a hurry, I think of Benny Hill music.:)

Benjamin said...

You know, I think I'd recognize Palmer Eldritch anywhere. GET IT?!

Jimmy, you Brits have an awesome super power! I wonder if I would experience an analogous effect if I were locked in a garage/junk yard by some bad guys with only a few welding torches and a van to work with.

Aimee, I read your post several times before I could see "lap" and not "lap dance." It's been a long week, but I still should be able to read without inserting unnecessary words. At any rate, he didn't really seem annoyed but he did comment on it.

PalmerEldritch said...

Ben, if that's a reference to the book, that's hilarious. If not, then it's still hilarious.

I'd recommend some Philip K. Dick books to our Friendly Neighborhood Bookworm (Aimee) but PKD's books are generally REALLY screwed up.

Benjamin said...

It's totally a reference to the book. It's not often I get a chance to be that clever. Or maybe it is and I just muff most of the chances.

I've read some PKD and it's always entertaining, and nearly always a mind job. I've wanted Hollywood to make a Clans of the Alphane Moon movie for years but they don't seem to be doing anything about it.

PalmerEldritch said...

I'd just like to point out how proud I am that we're discussing Philip K. Dick and have yet to recommend that someone "rush out and pick up some Dick."

/Benny Hill Chase ensues

Benjamin said...

If that's the way you're going to be about it, I'm just going to stand here and pat this old guy on the head.

PalmerEldritch said...

So, can we expect an audio commentary for TPIR and a retrospective on "Yakety Sax" by Jimmy?

"As you can see, this scene features the same version of Yakety Sax as every other Benny Hill scene. Listen closely and you'll recognize it from the other clips I've played."