Jorge Garcia joins the Dharmalars and special guest Jay Glatfelter ("The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack") for World Exclusive commentary for Episode 3x10 of LOST, "Tricia Tanaka is Dead"! Visit the Dharmalars at Dharmalars.Net!!
Playlist Abra Cadaver - The Hives World's Worse Landscaping - Michael Giacchino
The Dharmalars are back with a review of the all new LOST: Season 3 Blu-Ray Dvd. Let Ralph and Ben be your guides on this fantastic box set that is being released this week!! Ralph figures out WHO PLAYS JACOB?! We also have an all new set of calls from our loyal listeners on the Dharmaline! See You All in 2008!!! Join the DharmalArmy!
Playlist: Robot Rock - Daft Punk Two-Timing Touch and Broken Bones - The Hives Juicebox - The Strokes Beercan - Beck Evil Ways - Al De Lory